Learn how the best did it.

I went from 58 to 64 in S1, I'll be grateful forever homie

G.Y. - March 2024
Section 1 Sage Student

i just finished your section 1 course and it’s an absolute game changer

- March 2024
Section 1 Sage Student

"Hey thanks a lot, I did a session this afternoon and I've never gotten 100% before."
Wait so you got 100% this time?
"Yes. 100% 30 questions."

- March 2024
Section 1 Sage Workshop Attendee

Hey I got my results and section 1 was a 74!

- September 2022 (from 60 in March)
1 on 1 Student (1 session)
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S1 Sorted | 10 Sessions (12.5hrs) with Payment plan

Ten 75-minute sessions with one of our pro Section 1 tutors that hold some of the highest S1 scores we know of.
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Section 1 Sage: Level Up in 3 Days.

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